Environmentalist groups want the new Congress to reject common sense policies encouraging more domestic energy production to wean America off foreign energy. Instead, green groups want to discourage energy production…
The group Code Pink has seized the leadership of women activists opposed to the war in Iraq. Mixing radical feminists and pacifists with Old and New Left Marxists, Code Pink…
Obsessed with fundraising, the fabulously wealthy Southern Poverty Law Center exaggerates the scope of racism in the United States to frighten donors into opening their wallets. SPLC is nominally a…
The Center for Constitutional Rights is at the forefront of the legal left's push to give due process rights to America's terrorist enemies. The Center has a long history of…
Hell-bent on preventing Western companies from launching development projects that might lift people in the third world out of poverty, Western nongovernmental organizations are hurting the people they claim to…
The Environmental Working Group claims to "expose threats to your health and the environment." However, its shoddy research and shady tactics serve another purpose–helping trial lawyers get rich by suing…
The Council on American-Islamic Relations: The benign public face of America’s “Wahhabi Lobby” By Daniel Pipes and Sharon Chadha Organization Trends, August 2005 (PDF here)…
Americans support charity more than ever before. But a recent hearing of the Senate Finance Committee reveals that the nonprofit sector has been growing so fast that charity abuses are…