(PDF available here: OT1011) Liberal foundations, public interest law firms and advocacy groups have created a permanent network of experts and organizations devoted to an arcane but critical task:…
President Obama has given ACORN $729,849 so far this year and billions more in federal cash may be in the pipeline. The president’s new economic stimulus package, the so-called “jobs…
The September issues of Capital Research Center’s four monthly publications have been posted on the CRC website. 1) Foundation Watch The War on Corporate Campaign Spending By…
Supporters of ACORN make long faces, lamenting the collapse of their sainted organization. Don't believe them. It's all for show. In 2009 Congress banned further federal funding for ACORN and…
Summary: Supporters of ACORN make long faces, lamenting the collapse of their sainted organization. Don’t believe them. It’s all for show. In 2009 Congress banned further federal funding for ACORN…
One of the co-conspirators in a White House-approved plot to use federal resources to produce partisan propaganda to advance President Obama’s policy agenda has been chosen to lead an Obama…
Longtime ACORN apologist Rick Cohen of the Nonprofit Quarterly finally noticed that ACORN isn’t such a public-spirited organization after all. Remember ACORN? The national organization has been out of…
The American Conservative Union Foundation, which runs the popular Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) every year here in the nation’s capital, is gearing up for the CPAC Alaskan Cruise. Donald Rumsfeld…