Two from Soros’s Democracy Alliance Make TNR’s “O List”
Although Democratic Party owner George Soros didn’t make the “O List” published by the New Republic, two individuals associated with his Democracy Alliance, the secretive liberal billionaires’ club, did. The O List, according to the liberal magazine, contains “the 30 people who matter most in Obama’s Washington.” The two are [emphases added below]:
11. John Podesta
President and CEO, Center for American Progress
How convenient that the head of the transition happens to have his own wonk-filled think tank! His Center for American Progress (CAP) has been prepping the talent and white papers for a Democratic administration for the past five years. Though the ex-Bill Clinton chief of staff has said he’ll return to CAP after the transition, he’ll have protégés in every corner of the administration. (That his brother is a top Democratic lobbyist earns him bonus power points.)
We profiled the no-nonsense Podesta’s CAP, which has received mucho dinero from the Democracy Alliance, here, and blogged about him yesterday.
19. Andy Stern
President, Service Employees International Union
The only real powerhouse left in the House of Labor, he has kept seiu growing as other unions shrank. His people endorsed Obama early, and, with his man in the White House, Stern stands to be the go-to guy on issues of economic security. The animating notion of Obama’s domestic policy is the creation of an economy that rewards work instead of wealth. Stern will be making sure that his hard-working union members get what Obama owes them.
Eek. The “creation of an economy that rewards work instead of wealth” sure sounds like socialism. Anyway, Stern is a major player in the Democracy Alliance and his union, SEIU, is an institutional member of the DA.