CRC in the News

Soros Funds Radical-Left Candidates

Parker Thayer on Rob Schmidt Tonight on Newsmax TV

Parker Thayer appeared on Rob Schmidt Tonight on Newsmax TV to discuss the many left-wing DA candidates that George Soros has supported with donations. CRC research shows that Soros and his network of personal political action committees have flooded typically low-dollar district attorney elections with over $29 million backing left-wing “reform” candidates.

Those elected to office have left a trail of destruction: skyrocketing violent crime, countless murders, little to no accountability, limited prosecutorial experience, a proclivity for scandal, and a tendency to unfairly prosecute political adversaries.

The Soros report begins at 15:08.
Parker Thayer’s segment begins at 16:28.

Video is available here.

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Parker Thayer

Parker Thayer is an Investigative Researcher at Capital Research Center. A native of Michigan, he recently graduated from Hillsdale College.
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