A Stephen Moore op-ed in the Wall Street Journal last month says it all about the current politico-economic environment in the United States. Excerpts: Some years ago when I…
Robert Stacy McCain has a good piece in the American Spectator in which he argues that the so-called stimulus bill will not stimulate the economy. He’s absolutely right. McCain…
Byron York of the D.C. Examiner reports that the porkulus spending bill contains a suspicious provision giving more than $2 billion to the National Park Service. The money found…
A disturbing report from Bloomberg News indicates buried deep in the bowels of the disgusting, vastly unpopular porkulus bill that will not only do absolutely nothing to stimulate the economy…
Not likely. If past judicial behavior has any predictive value, Marion Barry, the District of Columbia’s former crackhead mayor who once again finds himself in legal hot water for not…
An ACORN insider just told me that the group is planning to send hundreds of activists to Capitol Hill this Wednesday to press lawmakers to approve the porkulus spending legislation that would…
Institutions of higher learning in the U.S., which already have more money than God, stand to rake in billions of dollars in grants from the porkulus spending bill, AP…
The liberal media accepts as gospel that the Bush administration deregulated the economy and that this essentially caused the current financial crisis. That’s poppycock according to Scott S. Powell…
Newsweek now features the most dishonest article I have read in a long time. This drivel is called We Are All Socialists Now. By liberal hacks Jon Meacham and Evan…