New Obama White House Visitors List Released
The Obama White House has released a new visitors list.
Of specific interest…
#97,98 Joan E. Blades, co-founder of
#251 Leslie Dach, super-lobbyist for Wal-Mart brought in to move the company to the left; longtime Democrat operative.
#413,414 David Fenton, leftist PR maestro responsible for Alar apple scare and other frauds
#458,459 Michael Gaspard, brother of White House political director and longtime ACORN operative Patrick Gaspard and lobbyist with Scott Levenson’s The Advance Group which represents ACORN
#877,879 Peter Lewis, which could be the founder of Progressive Insurance (his middle initial is “B,” but no middle initial is provided in the database); Lewis is a big player in George Soros’s Democracy Alliance
#960,961 Markos Moulitsas of DailyKos infamy; surname misspelled once but it’s got to be him
#1040,1041,1042 Eli Pariser of (variation of first name shown as Elijah but it’s probably the same person)
#1448, 1449 another two visits by SEIU’s Andrew Stern