Foundation Watch

Feds Launch Clinton Foundation “Pay to Play” Investigation

The U.S. Department of Justice is yet again investigating the corrupt Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, this time over alleged “pay to play” activities that took place while Hillary Clinton was the nation’s secretary of state.

Clinton, a former first lady and U.S. senator, presided over the U.S. Department of State during the Obama administration from Jan. 21, 2009 to Feb. 1, 2013. Clinton and her top aide, Huma Abedin, remained deeply involved in the foundation’s affairs even while they worked for the federal government. Evidence shows that, when they left government service, they took with them call logs and scheduling documents. Clinton also reportedly took with her a physical file describing gifts made to her while she was at Foggy Bottom. Given the documentation of contributions to the Clinton family charity, the file may have contained proof of bribes provided to Clinton.

The probe by the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office in Little Rock, Ark., has been underway for months, according to Fox News. Accusers of the Clinton Foundation, which is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under 501(c)(3) of the tax code, claim foundation officials promised them favors in exchange for donations. A separate federal investigation is reportedly examining Mrs. Clinton’s likely unlawful use of hacker-friendly private email servers to transmit sensitive government documents.

Emails obtained by Judicial Watch appear to show Abedin serving as a gatekeeper auctioning access to the presidential candidate in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. When individuals wanted to meet with Hillary, Abedin would say no, and introduce them to the foundation. After the “donation” was received, access to Clinton would be approved.

Why did it take so long for the wheels of justice to spin, especially given all the adverse publicity Mrs. Clinton and her family foundation received in the run-up to the election?

Politics, is the answer, former DoJ attorney and whistleblower J. Christian Adams told this writer via email.

“One wonders why this wasn’t properly investigated in 2016,” said Adams, bestselling author of the 2011 book, Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.

“Of course we all know the answer. We know who was in charge.”

Predictably, Clinton Foundation spokesman Craig Minassian denied the charity had done anything improper.

“Time after time, the Clinton Foundation has been subjected to politically motivated allegations, and time after time these allegations have been proven false,” he said.

Actually, the credible allegations, many of which were raised by author Peter Schweizer in his book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, have not been proven false. The allegations haven’t gone away because there is so much evidence against the Clintons, who miraculously earned $240 million after leaving the White House in January 2001 “dead broke” and “in debt,” in Hillary’s own words.

Capital Research Center has been studying the Clinton Foundation, a hotbed of cronyism and conflicts of interest, for more than a decade.

A Foundation Watch profile from September 2014 by Jonathan M. Hanen that examined the foundation’s inner workings suggested a pattern of chronic mismanagement and graft that the mainstream media downplayed for the benefit of the Clintons.

In the May 2015 Foundation Watch, Barbara Joanna Lucas reported that the Clinton Foundation violated the Clintons’ promise not to accept donations from foreign governments while Mrs. Clinton served at the State Department. Complicating matters further, the foundation served as a launching pad for Hillary’s White House bid and as a temporary place of employment for her campaign staffers.

Stay tuned.

Matthew Vadum

The author of Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers (WND Books, 2011), Vadum, former senior vice president at CRC, writes and speaks widely…
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