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Cory Booker Wants Pro-Farrakhan Organization To Support His Reparations Bill

This article originally appeared on the Daily Wire on June 26, 2019.
New Jersey senator and Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker recently wrote to an organization asking for their support — and that organization is closely aligned with racist and anti-Semitic preacher Louis Farrakhan.
In an exclusive report, Ashley Rae Goldenberg of the Capital Research Center details that Booker wrote to the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA). Howard University Department of Afro-American Studies chair Greg Carr posted on Twitter the letter which Booker sent on June 5. In the letter, Booker asked for the organization to support Booker’s reparations proposal (S. 1083) in the Senate. Booker stated that his bill was the first slavery reparations bill to be introduced in the Senate, and asserted that America is still plagued by racism, arguing, “Reparations represent one way for the United States both to reckon with its past and to address the real consequences of historic and continued racial discrimination.”
We have begun! The 30th annual national convention of @NCOBRA40 is underway at the @TheWrightMuseum in Detroit. The oldest coalition of Africans struggling for #Reparations , locally and globally. #ADebtStillOwed pic.twitter.com/Bpof6qBF8l
— Greg Carr (@AfricanaCarr) June 21, 2019
As Goldenberg noted, “At the 30th Annual N’COBRA Convention on June 20, Farrakhan was given the ‘President Imari Obadele & Queen Mother Audley Moore Reparations Lifetime Achievement Award.’ Farrakhan also appeared as the keynote speaker.”
I am honored to be among the invited speakers for the 30th Annual National N’COBRA Convention being hosted this weekend in Detroit. https://t.co/qg4YUFxWYI #Reparations #Farrakhan pic.twitter.com/PxDF1F87fZ
— MINISTER FARRAKHAN (@LouisFarrakhan) June 20, 2019
Last March there was this:
Today our leadership team @Kamm29207971 & @DrConradWorrill met with @LouisFarrakhan and he has endorsed our upcoming conference in Detroit. More to come! #ReparationsNOW pic.twitter.com/gLinofRBlv
— N’COBRA (@NCOBRA40) March 21, 2019
Goldenberg also noted that the N’COBRA “events” page acknowledged the connection between the organization and Farrakhan as far back as 2005, writing, “The National Coalition Of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) will mobilize and organize our members and Reparations supporters to attend the 10th Anniversary Million Man March/Day of Atonement called by Minister Farrakhan and the Nation Of Islam. On October 16, 2005, N’COBRA and Reparations Supporters are coming back to Washington DC, this time N’COBRA DEMANDS: AMERICA MUST ATONE, REPARATIONS NOW!”
And even before that, as Goldenberg points out, Farrakhan’s The Final Call website mentioned that Farrakhan praised N’COBRA on the eve of the Millions for Reparations March in 2002:
First to my dear sister, Ms. Dorothy Benton Lewis, thank you for your gracious introduction and invitation to be a part of a program with such distinguished brothers and sisters as Dr. Ron Daniels and Maulana Karenga and all of these wonderful, wonderful fighters, Dr. Conrad Worrill and Sister Viola Plummer and, the founder of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA), my dear brother Dr. Omari Obadele and all of you. I’m honored to be in your company.”]
S. 1083 states, ” … as a result of the historic and continued discrimination, African-Americans continue to suffer debilitating economic, educational, and health hardships including having nearly 1,000,000 Black people incarcerated, an unemployment rate more than twice the current White unemployment rate, and an average of less than 1⁄16 of the wealth of White families, a disparity which has worsened, not improved, over time.”