Monthly Notes
Briefly Noted: May 2016
The street thugs and economically illiterate crazies of the George Soros-funded Occupy Wall Street movement returned to New York City last month in a bid to help their hero, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), win the Empire State’s critical Democratic Party presidential primary contest. “Bernie’s campaign — like the [Bill] de Blasio campaign [for New York mayor in 2013], like the [Elizabeth] Warren campaign [for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts in 2012] — are lineal descendants of Occupy,” said Bob Master, political director for the Communications Workers of America and co-chairman of the ACORN-affiliated Working Families Party. “These campaigns, and Sanders most dramatically, are Occupy Wall Street translated into electoral politics,” Master told CNN. “This is the revolt of the 99 percent.”
The Left continues to persecute Planned Parenthood’s enemies who filmed undercover videos to document the taxpayer-funded abortion mill’s unlawful trafficking in organs from aborted babies. The home of Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden was raided in an evidentiary fishing expedition by investigators working for California Attorney General Kamala Harris (D), whose campaign for her office was funded in part by Planned Parenthood. Daleiden said the officials “seized all video footage showing Planned Parenthood’s criminal trade in aborted baby parts, in addition to my personal information.” Describing Harris as “Planned Parenthood’s bought-and-paid-for AG,” he accused her of refusing even to consider investigating Planned Parenthood, “while at the same time doing their bidding to harass and intimidate citizen journalists.”
Welcome murderers, rapists, and thieves as your tenants or you will face huge monetary penalties, the Obama administration said in a new threat aimed at the nation’s landlords. Among convicted criminals, only drug dealers and drug manufacturers will be excluded from special protection under the administration’s novel interpretation of housing law. “The fact that you were arrested shouldn’t keep you from getting a job and it shouldn’t keep you from renting a home,” Obama’s far-left Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Julian Castro, told the annual meeting of the National Low Income Housing Coalition last month.
Several Islamic activist groups that took part in the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations’ 2nd Annual National Muslim Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill this April have close ties to the Egypt-based terrorist group known as the Muslim Brotherhood. Among the terrorist-linked groups pressing lawmakers last month were the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America, “which openly states its goal of establishing a global caliphate and was listed in a May 1991 internal Muslim Brotherhood document that was later discovered by law enforcement officials,” journalist Robert Spencer reports. The document, a blueprint for the Islamic conquest of this continent, identifies ICNA as an allied group and indicates that Brotherhood operatives in the U.S. “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
The Heat Street website reports that this year’s Pulitzer Prize awards “recognized a parade of journalists whose work was overtly hostile to law enforcement.” The Washington Post snagged the national reporting award for “its revelatory initiative in creating and using a national database to illustrate how often and why the police shoot to kill and who the victims are most likely to be,” in the words of the Pulitzer organization. ProPublica garnered an “explanatory reporting” award for a “startling examination and exposé of law enforcement’s enduring failures to investigate reports of rape properly and to comprehend the traumatic effects on its victims.” Heat Street editorialized, “We did not see awards for the kind of hard-nosed, fact-based reporting that calls establishment sacred cows into question, especially sacred cows who graze in Silicon Valley … It’s a lot easier to go after some low-paid cops and prison guards.”