
Congress Protects ACORN Again

ACORN critic Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) says ACORN sympathizers in Congress have slapped down for the seventh time his efforts to block the radical activist group from receiving taxpayer funds.

I’m kind of busy right now so I’ll let the press release that I received a few minutes ago speak for the congressman:

ACORN Shielded By Liberals Yet Again

Rules Committee Blocks Amendment to Keep ACORN from Receiving Taxpayer Money

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Steve King today introduced an amendment to the Labor-HHS Appropriations Bill prohibiting any taxpayer money in the bill from going to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) or any of its 174 affiliates. Liberals on the House Rules Committee ruled King’s amendment out of order. This is the seventh amendment addressing ACORN liberals have denied King from offering. King has previously introduced amendments to keep ACORN from receiving taxpayer money and to bar ACORN from helping with the 2010 census.

“John Conyers is right: the ‘powers that be’ in this Congress will do all they can to protect ACORN,” King said. “ACORN is corroding the integrity of our electoral process by attacking the sanctity of the ballot box and using taxpayer dollars to do so, and Nancy Pelosi and Democrats on Capitol Hill are complicit in ACORN’s cover-up. Shielding ACORN from oversight ensures that this liberal get-out-the-vote machine will continue its shady practices. It is time for every member of this Congress to go on record on taxpayer funding for ACORN.”

About ACORN:

– In June, the Washington Times reported that House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers “backed off his plan to investigate wrongdoing by the liberal activist group ACORN, saying ‘powers that be’ put the kibosh on the idea.”

– ACORN is under is under investigation in at least 14 states.

– ACORN as an entity was charged with voter fraud in Nevada. 

– ACORN has admitted to over 400,000 fraudulent voter registrations in the 2008 election cycle.

– ACORN has received $53 million in taxpayer dollars since 1994.

– ACORN is eligible to receive $8.5 billion more in federal tax dollars.

– ACORN played a role in the mortgage meltdown by pressuring banks to make bad loans.

– ACORN and its affiliates all use the same accounting firm and same mailing address in New Orleans, Louisiana.


Matthew Vadum

The author of Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers (WND Books, 2011), Vadum, former senior vice president at CRC, writes and speaks widely…
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